The Way to remove Conflicts, Wars, Terrorism and Violence

Suffering, Loving Speech, Deep Listening

The fear, the anger and the despair is born on the ground of wrong perception.
We have wrong perceptions concerning ourselves and the other person.
That is the foundation for conflict, war and violence.
We should be able to say this:
"Dear friends, dear people. I know that you suffer a lot. I have not understood enough of your difficulties and suffering. It's not our intention to make you suffer more. It is opposite. So please tell us about your suffering, your difficulties, I'm eager to learn, to understand."
It has to start like that, loving speech. If you are honest, if you are true, they will open their heart and tell us. Then, we practice compassionate, deep listening.

During the process of deep listening, we can learn so much about our own perception and their perceptions.
That is the best way, the only way, to remove terrorism.


  1. emotional.
    I want to show my vulnerability to the world.

    1. You may try to do this by a conversation of compassion:

      May you already felt well and happy now.


May you be well and happy!
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